
Insanity Samples - Tilda: Primal Female Voice 1.0.3 (KONTAKT)

Insanity Samples - Tilda: Primal Female Voice 1.0.3 (KONTAKT) A solo female vocal library inspired by the idea of ​​primal sounds and pure vocal expressions. A variety of expressively performed sounds, from simple vowels ah and oh to primal mutters like wayaya or lowaya and lyrical phrases.


Insanity Samples - Tilda: Primal Female Voice 1.0.3 (KONTAKT) Part 1

Insanity Samples - Tilda: Primal Female Voice 1.0.3 (KONTAKT) Part 2

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A powerful legato system is built into the four key vowel centers, allowing for smooth and beautiful transitions during your vocal phrases.

Go from nuanced and delicate solo voices to multi-layered choral sounds and octave doubling, which adds a whole new dimension to the depth and power of this library. Tilda can be both a beauty and a beast...
• 36 main articulations
• Expanded textures
• 4300 samples
• 3 separate selectable signals (Condenser, Ribbon and Dynamic)
• Single performance dynamics (arcs)
• 4 separate and unique performances of true legato for each main set of vowels


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