
Native Instruments - The Grandeur (KONTAKT)

Native Instruments The Grandeur is a bright, silky top edge of the fast-paced and full of bass, even in the quietest passages. More than 2,500 individual samples and 18 speed zones allow each note to penetrate with stunning realism. Comfortable sound settings pedal, damper, strings and hammers, timbre and dynamic range make it possible to build a tool in any classic and modern genre.


Native Instruments The Grandeur for Windows


Native Instruments The Grandeur for Mac OS

As with all the DEFINITIVE PIANOS, separate overtone and resonance samples let the piano’s natural vibrations sing. Even key releases were sampled in nine velocity layers. 
  These pristine instruments were created in partnership with sonic artisan Uli Baronowsky of Galaxy Instruments. Galaxy Instruments are also responsible for the highly acclaimed NI instruments RISE & HIT and THE GIANT. 


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