
Aria Sounds - LSS Solo Strings Solo Viola (KONTAKT)

Aria Sounds - LSS Solo Strings Solo Viola for KONTAKT  from library "LSS Solo Strings" replaces our previous violin solo library and is not even comparable in quality. We sampled the instrument in a large beautiful London concert hall, with a large number of microphones from four main positions: close mono, close pair, average distance and far distance. 


Aria Sounds - LSS Solo Strings Solo Viola (KONTAKT) for Windows


Aria Sounds - LSS Solo Strings Solo Viola (KONTAKT) for Mac

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Three legato modes were sampled - slurred, bowed and portamento. These are easily switchable during use via keyswitches, and one exceptionally useful feature, which we are shocked to say we rarely see in string libraries, is the ability to change bow on the same note. Simply hold the note you want to change bow on, and press the low G keyswitch (see screenshot below).


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