
Splash Sound - Ukulele (KONTAKT)

Splash Sound - Ukulele for KONTAKT is not just another library, it is a complete tool with which you can write a complete track from start to finish.  Splash Sound - Ukulele use built-in rhythm patterns to find your own path. Two stereo pairs of condenser and dynamic microphones - the choice is yours. Maybe you decide to use them at the same time on a double track - whatever you want. Ample Sound - Ample Ethno Ukulele III 


Splash Sound - Ukulele (KONTAKT) part 1

Splash Sound - Ukulele (KONTAKT) part 2

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Splash Sound - Ukulele use built-in rhythm patterns to find your own path. Two stereo pairs of condenser and dynamic microphones - the choice is yours. Maybe you decide to use them at the same time on a double track - whatever you want.


Built-in 24 strum patterns with auto time-stretch
Single key chord selection in Strum mode
Volume and pan controls of two stereo pair of condenser and dynamic microphones
Built-in FX: Reverb, Delay, Compressor


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