
Musical Sampling - Parker Oboe (KONTAKT)

Musical Sampling - Parker Oboe for KONTAKT - A library of true legato oboe performed by Dr. Andrew Parker, Associate Professor of Oboe at the University of Texas.

Download:Musical Sampling - Parker Oboe (KONTAKT)


Musical Sampling - Atelier Series: Austin Saxes (KONTAKT)

Musical Sampling - Atelier Series: Austin Saxes for KONTAKT is a library of legato saxophones by session musician and educator Colin Houlihan, recorded at Orb Studios in Austin, Texas. The goal of this release was to create a complete library of saxophones that could perform a variety of musical tasks with ambience and ease.

Download:Musical Sampling - Atelier Series: Austin Saxes (KONTAKT)


Musical Sampling - Anthem Choir 2 (KONTAKT)

Musical Sampling - Anthem Choir 2 for KONTAKT is a legato choir library designed for non-traditional settings like pop, rock, electronic, hip-hop, and anthemic genres.

Download:Musical Sampling - Anthem Choir 2 (KONTAKT)


Musical Sampling - Nylon Rustique (KONTAKT)


Musical Sampling - Nylon Rustique for KONTAKT is an emotional legato nylon guitar library. Experience the soul-stirring melodies and delicate nuances of our exquisite Nylon Rustique guitar library. Designed specifically for slower/moderate-tempo contexts, this extraordinary instrument is guaranteed to evoke powerful emotions in your music. 

Download:Musical Sampling - Nylon Rustique (KONTAKT)


Musical Sampling - Adventure Strings (KONTAKT)

Musical Sampling - Adventure Strings for KONTAKT - the continuation of our debut release Soaring Strings. Performed by the same number of players recorded in the same space, sitting in their traditional positions - both libraries have the same aesthetics of performance. Strong, passionate and relentlessly energetic.

Download: Musical Sampling - Adventure Strings (KONTAKT)


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