
GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: Pop Punk (KONTAKT)

GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: Pop Punk for KONTAKT was recorded in great detail in the epic-sounding live room of the Crescent Records Studio; the result is a virtual library filled with realism and atmosphere. The library has been mixed to the point where it delivers a mix-in ready knockout punch without losing the natural sound of the setup, while a simple rebalancing of the faders can offer a wide range of character variations to suit your production. 


GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: Pop Punk part 1

GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: Pop Punk part 2

GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: Pop Punk part 3

GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: Pop Punk part 4

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Kontakt Player Library (with full NKS integration) and can be used with the free Kontakt Player - no need to buy the full version of Kontakt to use GGD!
Mix ready-to-use drum sounds and you're ready to go right away.
Brand new, full featured and intuitive user interface
Built-in groove player
Built-in master EQ, parallel compression and reverb
The whole set is tuned to perfection so you never have to struggle with sourness in the mix.
Each sample is phase-coherent for easy overlay


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