
Ample Sound - Ample Bass Yinyang III v3.1.0 (WIN/OSX)

Ample Bass Yinyang III is a virtual bass guitar from amazing Ample Sound company that brings Fodera Yin Yang Bass sound to your studio. Ample Bass Yinyang contains a library of over 5GB samples recorded at each fret. 

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Ample Bass Yinyang III Installation:
For Windows users:
1. Install the ABY_3_1_0_Installer.exe program
2. Install the Library Installer.exe library (select the directory for installing the library)
3. Run the Activate.exe patch (in the ABY v3.1.0 line, click on the Activate button on the right and in the window that opens, click Activate)

For MacOSX users:
1. Install the ABY_3_1_0_Installer.dmg program
2. Install the ABY_Library_Installer.pkg library (select the directory for installing the library)
3. Run the AS Self-Activator v3.dmg patch (in the ABY v3.1.0 line, click on the Activate button on the right and in the window that opens, click Activate)


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