
MG Instruments - MG Soft Nylon Guitar (KONTAKT)

MG Instruments - MG Soft Nylon Guitar for KONTAKT offers the beauty and warmth of a carefully recorded nylon string guitar, reproducing all the behavior and nuances of a real guitar. With deep sampling and detailed scenarios, this instrument offers amazing realism in real-time performance through an original and intuitive playing method. 


MG Instruments - MG Soft Nylon Guitar (KONTAKT)

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MG Instruments - MG Soft Nylon Guitar included:
-4x Round Robin / 3x Velocity Layer samples, scripted for more
-24bit / 48k samples
-NKS Ready
-Articulations include slurs, slides and hits
-Tuning / Capo System for defining open string (pedal) notes
-Innovative Sustain Pedal System
-Helpful GUI guide for creating authentic guitar parts


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