
Westgate Studios - Celtic Harp Modular Series (KONTAKT)

The Celtic Harp Modular Series for Kontakt player provides you with 12 patches with single note and glissando samples from a Celtic Harp. Westgate Studios introduces a new series of richly detailed samples and expertly programmed patches. The Modular Series sets a new bar of excellence in symphonic instruments. While most symphonic libraries try to give you a little bit of everything, this series is different.

Download: Westgate Studios - Celtic Harp Modular Series (KONTAKT)


Native Instruments - Action Strings 2 v1.1.0 (Only Update) (KONTAKT)

Featuring a huge library of orchestral samples and a state-of-the-art approach to sampling, ACTION STRINGS 2 gives you the high-octane sound of a full string ensemble with an extraordinary level of creative control. Full ACTION STRINGS 2 library is here: Torrent Library

Download: Native Instruments - Action Strings 2 v1.1.0 (Only Update) (KONTAKT)


Kirk Hunter Studios - Lyric Series String Quintet (KONTAKT)

Kirk Hunter Studios - Lyric Series String Quintet. The primary goal of the Lyric Series String Quintet is to create musical melodic lines right out of the box. In addition, our goal is to keep your workflow as short as possible. It is not a “do it all” library, but we believe that the attention to the ability to create melodic lines makes this product very valuable. 

Download: Kirk Hunter Studios - Lyric Series String Quintet (KONTAKT)


Cinesamples - CineOrch v2.0 (KONTAKT)

Cinesamples - CineOrch v2.0 (KONTAKT) is an orchestral sketch enhancement tool for the professional composer. We hired a world-class orchestra of 70 people in a magnificent venue and sampled a huge number of chords, major, minor, augmented, as well as various inversions and articulations across the spectrum. 

Download: Cinesamples - CineOrch v2.0 (KONTAKT)


Auddict Master - Solo Woodwinds Oboe (KONTAKT)

Auddict Master - Solo Woodwinds Oboe for NI KONTAKT continuing the MASTER SOLO WOODWINDS series, we proudly present Solo Oboe, a frequently used instrument in the orchestra play. The size of the library - 7GB - the result of its enormous wealth in quality content. There are six microphone positions that truly control the character of the recorded sound. 

Download: Auddict Master - Solo Woodwinds Oboe (KONTAKT)


Findasound - Fayez Saidawi Oriental Strings (KONTAKT)

Fayez Saidawi Oriental Strings is a professional string sample library for NI Kontakt. The sounds of the samples Oriental Strings correspond to the common techniques of the play of the Near and Middle East. Legato sounds with the options speed, attack, expression and portamento. Regardless of the normal, slow or fast portamento, you can control the speed of the legato and adjust it according to your needs. Kontakt 5.3.0 Quality: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Download: Findasound - Fayez Saidawi Oriental Strings (KONTAKT)


ARIA Sound London Solo Cello (KONTAKT)

The ARIA Sound London Solo Cello for Native Instrument Kontakt was sampled in the same London concert hall as the LSS violin with a fantastic musician who applied the perfect tasteful amount of musicality and emotion when recording for this library. The result is a largely human, breatheable instrument. The ARIA Sound London Solo Cello is the fantastic and hugely improved upon cello, with an amazing four mic positions, three legato types and even a choice of true release types. 

Download: ARIA Sound London Solo Cello (KONTAKT)


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